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- "Yeah... but what's the point?"
- By Andrew Campbell, who has started doing it!
- @2
- Perhaps the best known candidates for legal age requirements in
- software are sexy or violent games. In the world of PD and Shareware
- it tends to be slideshows that get the stick - images of naked women
- in full colour AGA, although not pornographic, are labelled "adults
- only", as are horror slideshows, especially those that have been
- scanned from comics/fanzines, or digitized from TV... fair enough I
- suppose, considering films are rated on the same basis.
- So what's the equivelant of a U (Universal) rated film in the PD
- scene? Children's disks, art packages, utilities, etc? It certainly
- makes sense. Such products are the norm, and can be sold without any
- age certificates at all.
- What comes next? PG (Parental Guidance)... in a film of this kind you
- might get the odd splat of blood, an occasional sexy scene such as a
- French kiss or a lead up to the bedroom door, and you may hear the odd
- "s***" or "b******" used by the actors. PG software would translate to
- disks such as "Zombie Apocalypse", "Black Dawn II", "Cindy Crawford
- Slideshow" (harmless bathing-suit imagery) and most demos which might
- have the appearance of bad language here and there - nothing too
- strong or offensive.
- At 15, children are no longer children - they're adults. Films given a
- certificate for this age group can contain unlimited use of the f-word
- (even the m-f word, shock/horror!) and scenes of fairly graphic sex
- and violence. The equivelant software could be titles such as the
- "Grapevine" magazine, which is bursting at the seams with abusive
- language and jokes, "Street Fighter 3" which has cartoony blood
- spurting all over the place and two characters supposedly having sex
- (they just judder up and down on the screen. How realistic), "Suicide
- Man" (violent ways to take your own life, which are more likely to PUT
- YOU OFF DOING IT than anything else) and the "Fit Chix" series of
- girlie slideshows, with their occasional pair of naked breasts.
- @2
- The ultimate certificate is 18 - proper, broad-minded adulthood has
- supposedly been reached, and you are ready to see anything the makers
- of films can get away with. 18-rated movies are ultimited in language
- and often contain scenes of graphic sex (though actual penetration
- has, as far as I'm aware, never been allowed to be shown apart from in
- the "Lovers Guide" video release. An erect male organ is usually a
- definite no-no!). Violence can extend to rape and even torture. So
- what sort of Public Domain warrants the classic `Over 18's Only'
- warning? Slideshows of an explicit nature for a start - "Madonna Sex",
- "Naked Beauties" and such like probably contain on-par-with-top-shelf-
- magazine images, as do strip-poker games which could over-excite an
- under 18-year-old (not that I'd know or anything!)... violence has to
- be pretty steep and realistic to justify an 18+ only rating, though
- some disks have actually managed to achieve this.
- But IS it an achievement? The answer is, quite obviously, NO. It is a
- requirement, that's all, to help guide parents more than anyone. In
- most cases, children are not influenced by adult software, be it a
- slideshow of naked women or a digitized exploding head... they will
- either look away or forget. But this isn't ALWAYS what happens...
- Children love to immitate things they see on the screen. Karate moves
- in the latest action-packed blockbuster, pretend to beat each other
- up, smash their toys, torture them in the same way they saw on TV...
- Yes, I think it IS worth putting warnings on disks which warrent them.
- The PD scene is a free realm; authors should be allowed - like film
- makers - to express themselves, at least within the limits of social
- acceptability. And childhood and teenage years are perhaps the most
- influencial ones in a person's life...
- @1
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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- Name of disk Minimum Age Er... WHY?!?
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- THE TERMINATION DEMO 15 Small animated executions of
- human beings. Large amounts
- of blood and gore.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- DARK PORTAL EDITION I 15 Bad language/sex/violence is
- contained within the fiction
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- DARK PORTAL EDITION II 15 For the same reasons as the
- ones stated for edition one
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- DARK PORTAL EDITION III 18 Stories of merciless rape,
- torture, suicide, and some
- references to child abuse &
- a lot of bad language.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- THE GLOWING RED MAN 18 Teenage violence, homosexual
- relationships, justified but
- graphic scenes of child-
- rape/abuse, talk of sex and
- references to masturbation
- and very strong language.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Over-the-top? You decide..